Business and Key person Insurance
Helping you to protect the key assest of your business; your Staff
Protecting your business, shareholding and your employees is an essential part of ensuring that it functions correctly and helps you in case you need to replace key staff. As such there is a wide range of policies for several situations, and our professional advisers can help you through the options, structuring solutions to ensure your business is sufficiently protected.
Key Person Cover
One of the most valuable assets of a business is its staff, with business success or failure depending on them.
Some of these people because of their specialised knowledge, skills or contacts, are vital to the profitability of the business. They are often referred to as ‘key persons’ as their death or incapacity could result in the financial performance of the business being adversely affected. Such an event could lead to a significant fall in profits, perhaps to the inability to repay loans or meet other obligations and, in extreme cases, to the collapse of the business.
Just as it is necessary to insure a business against the loss of or damage to physical assets, it is also vital to insure against the loss and/or against the serious illness/disability of a key person.
Ultimate Consultancy is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference number: 943851) Registered in England Number 08254976.
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